Who You Judge…
God said to me, Who you judge, He chooses. The “you” in this sentence refers to each and every one of us who would judge who God has chosen to do His work. Who He chooses is not always affiliated with a religious institution and is not always identifiable by a particular dress code. So don’t be surprised if God’s servant shows up dressed in rags or in Gucci. It could be either.
This crucial point in our evolution is no time for preconceived notions of what God is going to look or sound like when He arrives. The arrival you are waiting for is here and it is you. God is waiting to be recognized in each and every one of us. Who you judge God chooses is a powerful message because whom you judge is everyone, including yourself. The message is saying that God is choosing you.
Thank you for sharing this Theresa. I’ve recently been noticing how subtle judgement can be. I’ve noticed the unconscious, almost instant judgements that can arise when, for example, meeting someone for the first time. However, I also notice how accurate my energetic impressions of people can be, and in some cases these impressions can feel negative or uncomfortable.
What divine insight has revealed, is that it is the mind that jumps in with judgement. The uncomfortable impression I receive may be accurate and intuitive, but it’s the mind that jumps in and makes that somehow “wrong”. It may then proceed to project all kinds of things onto the person in question.
However, when I look through the eyes of love, I see love even in those who act in ways that are harmful to others. Just as it is their mind or ego that is fuelling their behaviours – it is my mind or ego that judges this. But beneath this superficial layer of confusion – we are each rich with the love of God. It only takes eyes that are looking from this place – to see this love in everyone.
Theresa Joseph
Georgia, you have so beautifully teased out the nuances that come with our judgments. We are not meant to ignore those intuitive insights, which in the absence of judgment, I consider to be discernment. It is important to listen and act on those intuitions. As you rightly point out, it is imperative that in this process we recognize the love of God in everyone.
P.S. I strongly encourage my readers to visit Georgia’s blog: Love Movements http://www.lovemovements.com/
Discernment! YES, that’s the word. Such a fine and yet profound line between discernment and judgement. Thank you for adding this clarity. Lots of love xXx
It’s like what you channeled from St. Therese, “leave no one out.” I’m also noticing how quickly the judgments come in, and I am starting to see that the very instant I judge, I am also being judged. There is no “out there,” no “other” — I keep betraying and judging myself, but myself as everyone. Not sure this makes sense lol, but I so appreciate this post and Georgia’s comments. So how do we tease out the difference — discern — between intuitive insights and judgments? Is it a visceral feeling in the body, more than a thought? Thank you for all you both do!! Blessings xoxo
p.s. what would happen if we only projected love onto others?
Theresa Joseph
Thank you for your insights Beth! Here is how I explain the difference between discernment and judgement by way of example. Discernment is when you see a person and feel or think he/she is not safe. That feeling or thought could be based on anything from the way the person is dressed to what he/she is doing, to the fact hat you see a knife or gun in his/her hand so you take appropriate action by removing your self from the situation. Discernment keeps you safe. Discernment turns into judgment when those thoughts go to the next level and you start making, well judgments, about the person. For example, you might start making a generalization about all people of that culture, or all people who are on the streets with out jobs. The list is endless. This is a very simple example but one I hope helps.
Your question as to what happens if we only project love to others is a good one. There are numerous experiments being done on this now and you can find information at The Global Coherence Initiative and The Intention Experiment (both listed on this website under “Peace Initiatives). The one I like to site is an experiment done in the 1980’s and mentioned by Gregg Bradon in The Divine Matrix: “During the Israeli-Lebanese war of the early 1980’s, practitioners were trained in precise techniques of TM (Transcendental Meditation) to create peace in their bodies, rather than simply thinking about it in their minds or praying for it to occur.” On specific days and at specific times these people were stationed in and amongst the high-tension areas of the Middle East to meditate on peace, creating it in their bodies. During these periods, “…terrorist incidents, crimes against people, emergency room visits, and traffic accidents all declined…” From this study scientists were able to calculate that “the minimum number of people required to jump-start a change in consciousness is the square root of 1% of the population.” This means that in a world of 7 billion people we need only 8,366 to make a shift. This may be why “…so many wisdom traditions emphasize the importance of the individual to the whole.” Your actions play an integral part in the manifestation of peace. This is the premise behind my Meditation for World Peace and why it works.