Ask For Your Miracles

I once read that we have many unclaimed, beautifully wrapped gifts in heaven. What is in those unclaimed boxes? Amongst my many unclaimed gifts I found miracles.

I’ve seen evidence of many of the miracles I have asked for in my life as well as those in the lives of my clients. But perhaps there are more miracles in those boxes.  Not being one to bypass a gift I meditated on this not just for myself, but for how those gifts could possibly benefit others.

A Course in Miracles says, “You understand that you are healed when you give healing. You accept forgiveness as accomplished in yourself when you forgive. …There is no miracle you cannot give, for all are given you. Receive them now by opening the storehouse of your mind where they are laid, and giving them away.”

Since I can’t give what I don’t have, I had to remember to ask for my miracles or recognize that I had already received them. In addition to simply asking, the key was to distinguish between requests made from my heart and those made from my head. With a committed meditation practice and patience I was able to discern the difference. As Gregg Braden points out, heart based feelings are the language of the Universe.

I have learned that my supply of miracles is limitless, which means yours is too. I ask for mine without specifying what they should be, and then I proceed to give them away to my clients, friends, family and the world knowing that they will unfold in Divine right order. I trust that I receive what I give, and when I need extra help I ask for non-specific miracles for myself. Asking for your unclaimed gifts brings you another step closer to manifesting unconditional love, peace and joy within yourself, your relationships, and our world. Soon you will realize that heaven and its gifts were within you all along, but asking for them is a good place to begin.

The miraculous is there everyday for everyone, but so few choose to participate. The miracles go unused. Open your heart and claim your miracles.


Quote: A Course in Miracles Lesson 159

Photo by Alistair MacRobert on Unsplash