Weave the Tapestry of Your Life!

You weave the tapestry of your own life. You have been given all the tools you need—the golden thread. What will you do with the golden thread? You have been given the loom strung strong. You have given the weft. And yes, there are “imperfections” in the threads,but that is only because that is how you see them. There are no imperfections. There is only the thread. Only you can create beauty from these threads. Whether your tapestry stays unwoven or it is completed, is up to you. What will you do with your golden thread? There are many tapestries that remain unfinished just like there are many melodies that remain unsung. When your time comes do you want to look back on an unfinished tapestry or do you want to look back on a vibrant and full weaving of the threads that were given to you? The choice is yours.

Weaving takes conscious, involved participation and action on your part. The loom, the threads and the weft are provided for you. If you take no action your tapestry remains unfinished. No one will finish it for you. They cannot. They know not what your tapestry should look like. Only you know that. You don’t need to see the final picture. You need to weave! 

So, go now with your beautiful loom and begin or continue weaving the tapestry of your life. There is no more beautiful tapestry than the one you weave for yourself. Others can look on. Others can guide, but only you can weave. Imagine if the weavers of the great Unicorn in Captivity tapestry had never finished. You would never have been able to lay eyes on such beauty. Start. Begin. Complete your tapestry. The unicorn tapestry is not your tapestry, but yours can be as beautiful. 

The golden thread originates in your heart and is tied to God’s glorious, golden Thread. Why would you leave such a tapestry unfinished? As you weave, you are weaving your divinity and your humanity together into one glorious creation,and it matters not if you are the only one to see it. This is not a competition. No one is judging you. Weave without concern over what others think of your tapestry. Sometimes you weave with joy. Sometimes you weave with sorrow. When you see the final picture, you realize that you would want it no other way. Be blessed in the life you are now living. Don’t be afraid to be seen. Don’t be afraid to shine.   ~ Mother Mary