Guest Blog: Recalibrate to the Vibration of Love by Kimberly Allis

Throughout the history of the world there has been famine, drought, war, illness and everything in between. And it is in these moments we are brought to our knees. The mind is dismantled and it leaves open a space for the heart to take over. These extreme circumstances command the heart to grow even bigger, forces us into a space of grace, forces us into alignment with God. When there is extreme imbalance in the world these catastrophic moments force us to shed illusion and realign with our own divinity, realign with God, realign with divine possibility, realign with faith.
These moments call for prayer. Those who don’t pray suddenly do. Those that don’t believe choose to believe. All the illusions they would have gripped onto in the past have disappeared, fallen away, disintegrated. There is nothing to hold on to. The only choice left is to reach our hand out to God so that he may pull us up. Pull us to our highest form, pull us back into our divinity and therefore our humanity that stretches worldwide, where love is the reigning power on the planet.
This is a recalibration. This is a realignment. This is a jolt for all humanity to operate solely through the heart, solely through love, solely through faith, solely for the goodwill of others knowing that caring for our neighbor or even a stranger before we care for ourselves is why we are here. Knowing that there is no such thing as not enough, knowing that all of my children are provided for, knowing that I love each one of you with all of my heart with all of the love that there is to have, unconditionally and purely. Knowing THAT heals everything. Trust in me my child. Reach your hand out to mine, walk by my side. Be surrounded by my love. Have faith that all is as it should be. Have faith in my love. Have faith in my ways.
You may not be able to understand with the mind the divine inner workings of my plan and that is not your job. Your job is to have faith in that plan and to never question it. Keep your heart wide open to receive the bounty of my love. This is what I ask of you. There is no beginning, there is no end, there is no in between. There is only this moment and in this moment you are totally and utterly loved and cared for.
You’re connected to all and all is connected to you. Therefore, your faith cannot waiver for when yours waivers, everyone’s faith waivers. Never question my love for you. You’re a swaddled babe in my arms, loved and cared for. Trust in this union. Stay with me here in this space which is infinite. This is what is, there is no more. For this is everything.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
Susan Charow
That was Inspiring. Thank you!
Theresa Joseph
Thanks for letting us know, Susan. I am so grateful to Kim for being the clear channel she is.