You Are the Light of a Thousand Suns
I gather you all here
to bestow upon you
the grace of Knowing who you are.
I bestow upon you
the grace of Knowing who you are.
Who you are
is a reflection of Me—
a reflection of the Grand Design.
All the Light and Love of the Creation
exists inside of you.
Circle with Me around the sun
and know that this nuclear furnace
is nothing compared to your Light.
It is nothing compared to the love I have for you.
It is nothing compared to the love you would have
for yourself and others if you truly Knew Me.
Now, leave the sun in its orbit
and come back down Knowing
that you contain the Light of a Thousand Suns.
You are, as Jesus said, the Light of the world.
Be it.
Know it.
And, extend it to others.