Oxygenate Your Surroundings
Remember to love, honor and cherish yourself as the sacred being that you are. Your body is sacred. Your mind is sacred. ~Love~
Go easy on yourselves. You’re all learning. … Your judgements of yourselves and others are not making you better people. Those judgements suck the oxygen out of the air making it harder to breathe. Every thought you hold is one that either adds to the oxygen in the room or sucks it out. Every thought you hold is making it either easier or harder for you to breathe. Take stock of your thoughts. Take stock of what you are putting into the atmosphere.
Higher vibrational beings (like Jesus, Buddha, or others who are present now) put more oxygen into the room making it easier to breathe. You feel lighter in their presence. You too can be of that vibration. You too can add oxygen to the room.
Be the bringer of that higher vibration to the planet and you will heal in the process. This is not a small goal because you are not small. For every thought you have, ask yourself: Am I putting oxygen into the room or am I taking it out? Am I making it easier for people around me to breathe or am I making it harder? It’s that simple. Clean up your thoughts and you clear the air. Clean up your thoughts and you help all beings. Don’t minimize the power of your thoughts and the impact they carry, not just for you, but for the entire universe. Be the givers of life. Re-oxygenate yourself and those around you.
Take in a deep breath and exhale. Never take your breath for granted. It is so much more powerful than you know. Remember to love, honor and cherish yourself as the sacred being that you are. Your body is sacred. Your mind is sacred. And your spirit is sacred. May you be blessed to know that you are always living in God’s grace. ~Love~