Find ways in your own life that you can honor the Earth. It is your mother. You’re being asked to treat her as such, in the best way you can.

In times of uncertainty we need to feel our connection with Mother Earth—a practice called grounding. Connecting with the earth helps you to attain a general sense of wellbeing by helping you to:

*Stand Strong
*Find Your Balance Point
*Release Anxiety and Fear

Love says, Remember that you are supported by the Earth. You take for granted all that the Earth gives you—oxygen to breath, food and water. You take it for granted by not thinking about it. The Earth is consistently there supporting and nurturing you.

You mindlessly trample the Earth as if it were your servant. And, while it serves you, it is not your servant. Everything is meant to be revered. The abuse of the Earth has to stop.

Take a moment now to send the Earth your heartfelt gratitude and compassion. Next, imagine yourself standing at the top of the earth encircled by an enormous ring of brilliant, white light. This is the Earth loving you even though it knows that you are not always good to her.

She understands that we are all operating at a level of consciousness that doesn’t allow for true caring and compassion for her. You may think you have it, and in your heart you may, but we drive on paved roads; we fly; we buy goods made with limited resources or produce toxic byproducts. There are many ways in which we mindlessly abuse the earth. It’s counting on us to wake up—to awaken to a higher level of consciousness where we can exist harmoniously with nature. The old model of dominance and destruction has to cease.

Find ways in your own life that you can honor the Earth. It is your mother. You’re being asked to treat her as such, in the best way you can.


Love is not letting any of us off the hook, so to speak. It is easy to feel that we are not the ones abusing the Earth because that is not in our hearts. Many of us drive and we are frustrated when roads aren’t paved; we fly; we buy mass produced unsustainable products. At the same time, we recognize that there are barriers to our living our convictions. Sustainable products or sustainable ways of living are not always available and when they are, they can be more expensive than the alternatives.

Love knows this so It is asking us to simply become more mindful of the Earth. Thank the Earth for supporting you as you shop, drive or fly. Thank it for providing life sustaining oxygen and all the other elements you depend on.

There are many who are working to bring sustainable products and lifestyles to the market. For now, your part is to send gratitude and love to your mother, Earth.