Walk Fearlessly into the Unknown
There is a portal of grace opening for you now. It appears as a hole in earth’s atmosphere that transports you into a higher dimension when you have the courage to walk through it.
Close your eyes and visualize yourself walking through it now. Sense what this new dimension of grace feels like for you. Maybe it feels like a vast unexplored space filled with unlimited possibilities. Maybe it is quiet. Maybe it feels like home. Maybe it shows that time does not have to progress along a horizontal axis, but that vast changes can occur instantaneously. Shifts in consciousness don’t have to plod along a horizontal axis but can take quantum leaps into higher dimensions. When you step into this new dimension that grace has opened for you, you are leading the way. Go fearlessly into the unknown. For a quantum leap to occur you must be willing to participate in the world that Love will show you. Love has chosen you because It knows that you can be a fearless explorer.
Don’t limit yourself to what you think you know about space-time. Be a quantum explorer. There are people who climb tall mountains, dive deep into the sea, or explore dark caves but, you My dear ones, are being asked to explore possibilities that are not yet known and cannot be seen unless you are willing to take a quantum leap into all that Love wants to share with you. ~Love~
We are at the precipice—the precipice of a new humanity—one in which love rules.
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