For You…For you love was born, and to you love is given, and from you love emanates into the cosmos and touches all
Serve GodDo you ever wonder what it means to serve God? God chose to answer that question for a client recently:
Walk on WaterGod, I am ready to turn my ship around. God, I am ready to have You navigate my ship. I know that
Choose Your RealityIf you think you are God, then you are not God. To harness your God-ness you must feel your connection to Source energy. Feel
SustainabilityGratitude is sustainable. An open heart is sustainable. When we open our hearts and minds to the ‘other’ we are creating sustainability. A sustainable world is founded
Enter Into the MysteryCome with me into the Mystery. Christ did not die in vain, but so that you can learn to love. The Mystery