Walk Fearlessly into the UnknownThere is a portal of grace opening for you now. It appears as a hole in earth’s atmosphere that transports you in
A New HumanityWe are at the precipice—the precipice of a new humanity—one in which love rules. You are crucial to the shift.
Twin Blue Light BeingHelp is here! Humanity is being guided to higher levels of consciousness, which will help usher in the Age of Light. This
Manifesting Peace – One Breath at a TimeThis meditation practice helps to ground you and align you with Gaia’s loving, healing energy, which is crucial during these changing times.
Everything is a Facet of LoveWhen you see all as a part of the One, you experience deep inner peace, profound love, and unbridled joy.
Love Everyone Without JudgmentYour bright, divine light is impeded by your judgment and condemnation. Letting them go heals yourself and the world.