...breathe in peace and breathe out peace. Feel your breath and the breath of the Earth as one breath. Inhale and exhale in unison and in unity with your mother...

I saw the Earth breathing. On her inbreath, the seas gently receded from the shorelines, and with every outbreath, the water slowly flowed back in. To see this, close your eyes and visualize Gaia breathing. She is here to love you, hold you, and nurture you.

While breathing with her, she asks that you contemplate the first line of the Meditation for World Peace, which is, The power of peace lies within. Sit with that phrase and repeat it to yourself for a few moments: The power of peace lies within

Next, Gaia asks you to take a moment to breathe in peace and breathe out inner conflict and turmoil. Let your breathing match her long, slow, peaceful, relaxed breaths. When you feel ready, breathe in peace, and breathe out a divided mind—one divided from others, divided from the Earth and divided from Love. Once your mind is cleared of conflict, you find yourself naturally breathing in peace and breathing out peace.

Take a few moments to breathe in peace and breathe out peace. Feel your breath and the breath of the Earth as one breath. Inhale and exhale in unison and in unity with your mother, Earth. Feel your unity with the Earth and with one another.

This meditation practice helps to ground you and align you with Gaia’s loving, healing energy, which is crucial during these changing times. Equally important, your outbreath of peace nurtures Gaia, creating a feedback loop that further nurtures and supports you.

Your mother Earth, Gaia, thanks you. 

P.S. April 11 is World Breathing Day!