
Some people believe everything is a sign from AboveI am not so sure. That may sound odd coming from someone who has changed her entire life as a result of following Divine guidance, but that is the whole point. When it comes to guidance, I don’t act without a deliberate messagevision or feeling, and then I may ask for signs as confirmation.

photo 1The latest example came in early March as I sat on a beach in Puerto Rico contemplating yet another life altering event. I had already received explicit guidance, but as usual I had my doubts. As I watched the clouds passing overhead I decided to ask the Heavens for a sign. When I started this exercise the sky looked like this (photo left).

I said to my mom, who passed away last September and who seemed to have a role in my latest set of instructions from Above, “If you want me to take this step, then make one of those clouds into the shape of a heart.” Not being a cloud-watcher, I wondered at the statistical probability of that happening and ordered my lunch. Almost forgetting my request, I looked up minutes later and saw this:

photo 2photo 3
Now, that is a sign. I asked for the sign from my mom’s spirit, but God and his messengers work the same way. When you ask for a sign and you get it, pay attention and act on it because that is the Universe speaking to you in one of the many ways It has at Its disposal.

I was once asked how God chooses to whom He is going to speak. I believe He chooses all of us so the real question is, “Who chooses to listen when God speaks?” He communicates with us in words, visions, signs, the radio and, as I have seen, even via fax machine (you can read this story in my book, Everyday Mystic). He may also communicate by erecting roadblocks to your plans and then opening up other avenues. Give up your expectations and listen. Once you stop defining how the communication should take place and become open to all possibilities, you will recognize when and how He is trying to get your attention. The messages are there for us all.

Signs, messages and visions can be quiet clear; feelings, however, are subtler. What is the difference between a sign and a feeling and why, in the absence of asking for explicit signs, do feelings take precedence? Look for the answer in next month’s blog.